
Learn about modern technologies for physicians, medical software, apps designed for doctors, and how to use them to improve physician efficiency.

5 Things You Need to Know About Protecting Health Information as a Physician

5 Things You Need to Know About Protecting Health Information as a Physician

As a physician, providing high-quality patient care isn’t the only priority of your practice. In the modern age of digital health recording, protecting your patient’s private health information is a mandatory and legal obligation of every healthcare provider. While putting the time and resources into maintaining your cybersecurity practices may seem like a daunting (and exhausting) task, we want to shed some light on the importance of protecting yourself and your patients from potential information leaks and hacks.

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The Most Common Medical Billing Inaccuracies And a Solution For Them

Medical Billing Inaccuracies - A Problem for Residents and Physicians Alike

Medical billing is an essential component of any successful medical practice. Unescapable for any medical professional, medical billing can, unfortunately, pose a multitude of challenges to physicians, which results in mistakes, missed charges, and frustration. Whether you are a new resident or an experienced staff physician, new research has shown that no one is immune to the most common billing errors like inaccurate coding and underbilling.

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How ResolvMD Improved Its Medical Billing Service

The Billing System Was Broken

I can still remember when I was first taught how to bill. Every doctor who taught me seemed to have their own unique interpretation of the schedule of medical benefits. I witnessed enormous practice variation with dramatic differences in code selection and subsequent pay for the delivery of very similar patient care.

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